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今天不做媽媽,做我們的大美女 滿1500送羊脂膏7g乙條




黃體酮、生長激素以及其它激素等都會影響乳腺發育,使小裂片完全分化。在妊娠期後半期泌乳發育期期間出現初乳時分化最明顯。此時,乳腺富含可以合成乳成分的分化乳細胞,包括蛋白質、乳糖、酪蛋白、α-乳白蛋白和初乳脂肪酸,但只有大約30 ml/天的少量初乳。此後,妊娠後期小裂片增長和肺泡分泌顯著。
在整個妊娠期,泌乳組織的增長都很明顯,泌乳組織數量大約是泌乳期乳房脂肪組織的兩倍。這些變化通常會引起乳房和乳頭增大。但是,不同婦女的乳房增大差別很大,有的基本上沒有變化,而有的增大很明顯。多數婦女的乳房在妊娠期第 22 週之前增大,但也有些婦女到了妊娠期後期乳房還明顯增大。然而,乳房增大和產後一個月母乳喂養能力或泌乳沒有任何關係。




Breast volume and milk production during extended lactation in women (英语)

Quantitative measurements were made of relative breast volume and milk production from 1 month of lactation until 3 months after weaning, and the storage capacity ...

Kent JC, Mitoulas L, Cox DB, Owens RA, Hartmann PE (1999)

Exp Physiol. 84(2):435-47
Breast growth and the urinary excretion of lactose during human pregnancy and early lactation: endocrine relationships (英语)

Breast volume and morphology of eight subjects were measured before conception and at intervals throughout pregnancy until 1 month of lactation. Breast volume before conception ...

Cox DB1, Kent JC, Casey TM, Owens RA, Hartmann PE (1999)

Exp Physiol. 84(2):421-34


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