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今天不做媽媽,做我們的大美女 滿1500送羊脂膏7g乙條


















  • 分娩後與寶寶進行皮膚接觸: 研究證實,這可以延長母乳餵養時間,因此應盡量做到
  • 指導媽媽如何用手部進行乳房按摩
  • 雙邊吸乳(同步吸乳): 這有助於提高泌乳量
  • 分娩後盡早排乳: 相較於分娩後六小時內吸乳,分娩後一小時內吸乳有助於提高泌乳量,並且在未來幾周內泌乳量將明顯增加,這非常重要。
  • 分娩之後使用啓動技術 (Symphony PLUS),在產後 6-13 天內的激活泌乳(下奶)時期使用雙韻律 (2-Phase) 吸乳模式,有助於提高泌乳量
  • 頻繁吸乳也是一項重要因素。使用吸乳器每天吸乳超過六次的媽媽,與吸乳次數少於六次的媽媽相比,泌乳量更高。建議使用吸乳器的媽媽每天吸乳八次左右
  • 哺餵間隔吸乳: 對於偶爾吸乳哺餵寶寶且泌乳充足的媽媽,可在兩次母乳哺餵間隔進行吸乳
  • 穿戴舒適合身的吸乳護罩,不得擠壓乳房,否則將損傷乳頭; 如果管道過緊,則有多種吸乳護罩尺寸可選
  • 輕輕將吸乳護罩貼近乳房: 這有助於防止乳導管受阻,並有效支撐乳房排乳







Breast pump suction patterns that mimic the human infant during breastfeeding: greater milk output in less time spent pumping for breast pump-dependent mothers with premature infants (英語)

The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness, efficiency, comfort and convenience of newly designed breast pump suction patterns (BPSPs) that mimic sucking ...

Meier PP, Engstrom JL, Janes JE, Jegier BJ, Loera F (2012)

Simultaneous breast expression in breastfeeding women is more efficacious than sequential breast expression(英語)

Simultaneous (SIM) breast expression saves mothers time compared with sequential (SEQ) expression, but it remains unclear whether the two methods differ in milk output efficiency ...

Prime DK, Garbin CP, Hartmann PE, Kent JC (2012)


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Torowicz, D.L., Seelhorst, A., Froh, E.B., Spatz, D.L. Human milk and breastfeeding outcomes in infants with congenital heart disease. Breastfeed Med 10, 31-37(2015).